Congruity360’s data governance platform indexed and defensibly eliminated risky and redundant data within M&A datasets, reducing cloud migration workload and cost while minimizing inherent risk and protecting intellectual property.


Consumer products conglomerate with recently acquired family of brands facing large unquantified datasets from M&A activity. Newly obtained data must be scrutinized for ROT and risk data prior to entering ongoing cloud migration workflow.

Merger & Acquisition Diagram


Congruity360’s data governance platform utilized supervised and unsupervised machine learning to identify redundant, obsolete, trivial, and risky data, defensibly deleting unnecessary files and reducing the cloud migration workload. Customized templates were developed to enhance compliance and retention policy framework, protecting the viable data. A workflow was developed to set regulatory and audit responses for future data, ensuring proper data management and compliance.


The customer is a global smart mobility provider of transit vehicles for short distance transportation. As the customer expanded its vehicle options and market cities, it experienced an immediate need to better manage legal operations relevant to its quickly expanding data sets. The customer wanted a single, modular solution to govern and organize its data as it scales rapidly and faces increasing litigation


Congruity360 Legal Hold, a single system of record that manages legal compliance and information governance across disparate native repositories from notice, to preservation, to evaluation, was implemented. The customer’s legal department can now send out litigation hold notices, track and manage acknowledgements, and generate fully defensible audit logs from the user-friendly Legal Hold platform. Legal Hold connects directly to the customer’s cloud-hosted applications including G Suite, Slack,, Confluence, and Zendesk, holding relevant and responsive data in place, in its native formats. No duplicate files are created or stored, maintaining data integrity and generating no additional data storage costs. As the customer hires new counsel or shifts internal resources, Legal Hold serves as a centralized knowledge center so no tribal knowledge is lost when personnel shifts occur.

The customer now enjoys fully defensible, repeatable litigation hold and eDiscovery processes, with minimal gaps and potential spoliation, managed fully by its in-house legal team, with Congruity360 as the sole supporting vendor. In the coming months the customer will adopt Congruity360’s Classify360, a comprehensive information governance solution, to round out its full data management strategy.

Every time we spend money on an attorney hour now, the value of that dollar grows as opposed to being a dead-end cost incurred for one case. Congruity360 has armed us with knowledge of what data we store and where risk lies, helping us identify and eliminate potential issues within our organization. This is a huge step towards cutting cost and leveraging expensive work products many times over.


Global financial firm with need to aggregate EU benchmark regulatory-relevant data into time-segmented snapshots

Compliance Diagram


Congruity360’s information governance platform seamlessly connected to snapshots, scanning all versions and places into a taxonomy. This location in the file structure resides within the platform, allowing for the look and feel of a file share while actually pulling information from the snapshots. This data-neutral approach eliminated a backup instance of the addressed data and ensures the compliance of the entire dataset.


Higher education institution seeking to modernize their infrastructure in order to optimize spend, protect sensitive data, and further cloud adoption. Customer required ingestion and classification of unstructured data in order to eliminate data with no business value, identify and protect sensitive and critical data, and identify data eligible for cloud migration.

Storage Optimization diagram


Congruity360 deployed a phased approach to achieve customer’s goals beginning with a ROT (redundant, obsolete, and trivial) data analysis to identify data with no business value that could be deleted before beginning transformation to clean up data sets and avoid cloud cost magnification. Deeper data analysis was then performed to identify privacy and risk data, giving the customer full insight via the Classify360 client portal. Additional actions were also performed, such as moving data to archival storage, assigning retention polices, and migrating the data to cloud sources. This strategic process allowed customer to gain knowledge, organization, and security of all data—ensuring complete data governance


Highly regulated customer with 2.1 petabytes of file shares and legacy Isilon storage; must retain certain data for up to 10 years. Over 90% of the customer’s budget associated with on-prem storage is storage maintenance. The customer faced challenges associated with a long-term cloud initiative, hoping to migrate as much as 80% of its data to the cloud to decrease its on-prem Isilon footprint. In addition to improving storage efficiency, the customer wants to strengthen internal policies and workflows to identify, store and/or delete sensitive data moving forward.


  • Finding a solution to connect directly to Isilon storage
  • Migration cannot be completed without identifying all data that must be kept on-prem or deleted with a full audit trail
  • Adherence to industry regulations as well as GDPR & CCPA
  • Keeping the project within the proposed timeline to avoid going over budget

Without finding a new solution, the customer would have to increase their on-prem hardware footprint annually and would not be able to take full advantage of a cloud strategy. By not addressing compliance, regulatory demand, and risk the customer exposes itself to costly breaches and fines.


Classify360’s Isilon connector connected directly to the entire 2.1 petabyte dataset and provided a comprehensive view of the data the customer lacked using native application tools. The platform delivered near real-time data intelligence with GPU-enabled supervised and unsupervised machine learning to reduce false positives, noise, and the inevitable human intervention associated with “grey data.” Trainable decision tree technology established a predictable project cadence and provided near real-time classification and clustering.

Cloud Migration diagram


  • The customer’s data was classified and clustered based on a number of risk data types and properly tagged for secure archive, cloud migration, or deletion.
  • The customer received a tangible, valuable outcome, not a snapshot of historical problems and a stalled, costly project. The project was completed on time and kept within budget.
  • All 2.1 petabytes of data were scanned and analyzed, giving the customer complete confidence in its decisions
  • The customer instantly deleted 23% of its data that was identified as redundant, obsolete, or trivial (ROT) and decommissioned hardware before putting it under support, reducing its support bill even further
  • 31 terabytes (1.5% of data footprint) were marked as data that must be retained for audit purposes and kept in a secure repository on-prem, and an additional 42 terabytes (2% of data footprint) were identified as sensitive data that could not be migrated to the cloud
  • Reduced hardware expense of $3.35 million over 3 years.


Audit Findings

Past audit findings remediated with ongoing workflows deployed

Cloud Strategy

Cloud strategy execution unblocked and data migrated

Data Governance & Classification

Mature Data Governance and Classification platform and process in place

All of the client’s file data was classified and tagged by updated organizational risk categories. Past audit findings were remediated and cloud strategy execution was unblocked. All file data was migrated to Microsoft Sharepoint and OneDrive. Automated workflows were deployed to data owners and managers for ongoing policy action and audit readiness. Mature data governance and classification platform and process put in place for compliance and future file data assimilation or divestiture.


Investment and retail bank with ~1.2 petabyte on premise file system and ~300TB Office365 file system. Sharepoint and OneDrive adoption blocked by data classification, compliance and cost concerns. Recent external audit findings pertaining to EU BMR, GDPR and NYDFS regulatory compliance.

Data Classification Old vs New


Classify360 SaaS platform deployed across on premise file shares and Office365 file systems. Metadata level indexing reported ~ 30% of existing data set was out of retention with no business value and burdening the business with avoidable cost and risk. Content level indexing reported a massive burden of uncontrolled risk within file data sets and uncovered an additional ~10% of content level duplicates. Simple model guiding influenced by Customer risk category specifics increased recall scoring (accuracy and precision) above 95% for all priority models including personally identifiable/confidential information and various statutory categories. Risk tag schemas of existing Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Information Protection (IP) solutions were incorporated into Classify360 to supplement the capabilities and reach of these tools by injecting appropriate labels into the header level of newly classified files.

This high level of accuracy and precision, in conjunction with the extension of existing DLP and IP value, gave legal and compliance stakeholders the confidence required to bring the platform into production. After administrative configuration, integration into Customer Identity Access Management, ServiceNow and SQL based reporting flows, Classify360 was presented to Data Managers across organizational units, allowing for proper dispersion of workflow burden and accountability.

With the Classify360 platform in place, immediate and significant action was taken to delete out of retention both behind the firewall and in Office365. Risk data was deleted, protected or stubbed as appropriate. Remaining on premise file data fully migrated into Office365. Information protection was strengthened before, during and after the immediate project. Cloud cost was minimized and legacy on premise storage was decommissioned, allowing customer to realize the promised benefits of transformation in a rapid and secure manner.

Looking for a Demo of Classify360?

Learn how Classify360 can enable you to:

  • Understand and classify your data to empower strategic business decisions
  • Optimize your cloud storage strategy and accelerate your cloud migrations
  • Cut storage costs and decommission costly infrastructure by reducing data set size
  • Properly manage risk data and automate regulatory compliance

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Looking for a Demo of Classify360?

Learn how Classify360 can enable you to:

  • Understand and classify your data to empower strategic business decisions
  • Optimize your cloud storage strategy and accelerate your cloud migrations
  • Cut storage costs and decommission costly infrastructure by reducing data set size
  • Properly manage risk data and automate regulatory compliance

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