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3 Ways to Ensure Cloud Savings Before Beginning the Migration Process

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Cloud computing is one of the top three game-changing technologies, meaning many organizations regardless of size, industry, and technology will begin or increase their usage of the cloud. With that being said, according to Gartner’s most recent report, “through 2024, 80% of companies unaware of mistakes made by organizations in their cloud adoption will overspend in cloud by 20% to 50%.” Most organizations find cloud computing to be a daunting and expensive task. However, when done properly, it can improve an organization drastically and can be practical in terms of cost. If the following three strategies are implemented before the cloud migration process begins, an organization is practically guaranteed cloud cost savings.

The first area to focus on is consolidating cloud adoption efforts. To do this an organization should secure executive sponsorship for the cloud strategy. This will allow for a cloud adoption roadmap that with be unique to the organization and establish a beginning plan.

Secondly, optimizing cloud adoption efforts is essential to implement a cloud adoption plan. By defining an efficient plan, it will allow for application assessment, identification of workloads with best migration to cloud approaches, and accounts for future technical and business needs.

The final way to ensure cloud savings prior to migrating to the cloud is by reducing operational risks in the cloud. In order to do this an organization should align cloud governance and management with the organizations’ cloud maturity level. Organizations need to be realistic about cloud maturity, otherwise unnecessary implementation can occur therefore causing overspend.

Keeping these three thoughts in mind prior to migrating over to cloud is a sure path to cloud savings – and the best cloud environment for your specific organization. You don’t want to be one of the organizations that overspends by 20% to 50%! If you’re in need of guidance through your entire cloud migration process, book an intro call with Team360 today!

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