NEWS: Congruity360 Launches Next Generation of Classify360 Platform, Enhancing Insights, Actions, and Comply

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Instant Insights

Quickly analyze unstructured data with an instant and actionable evidence package on your data to pinpoint risk, redundant, and aged data. Leverage these insights to help inform your remediation strategy, achieve quick wins for the business, and to gain momentum in your data journey.

Uncover unnecessary risk and storage spend

Focus security & governance efforts on only relevant data

Reduce investment and accelerate outcomes

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What is Instant Insights?

Instant Insights gives you an actionable view of the makeup of your unstructured, dark data in an easy to consume and share report – highlighting exposed or unknown risk, aged, and redundant data to prioritize for remediation.

Check out what Instant Insights uncovered within one client’s unstructured data set – within days, with minimal resources to set up, and no impact to their systems.

Take The First Step!

Shed light on your dark, unstructured data

Quick Wins for You and the Business

Instant Insights delivers immediate value by showing you what you have within dark, unstructured data – pinpointing risk, aged, and redundant data in a report that’s easily consumed and shared. These early insights can open the door for a deeper analysis once areas of potential concern are identified.

Proven Approach for Success

Achieving the full requirements of the business – like data security, governance, compliance, cloud migrations – can lend to a multi-year, often costly undertaking. Our approach prioritizes in phases to deliver wins to the business along the way – eliminating a large upfront investment, and even freeing up existing unnecessary spend to leverage.

Increase Organizational Momentum

Instant Insights gives you an evidence package to present to your executive team as well as the application and data owners to increase momentum or jumpstart stalled initiatives. Highlighting red flags or areas for prioritization within data gives leadership the direction to prioritize budgetary and strategic decisions.

Actionable Insights on your Data within days

Item Count by File

Risk by file attributes

Pinpoint at-risk files by document-level attributes based on risk and regulatory compliance identifiers and business policies

Identify system generated files (log files, SSH keys, SSL keys, or credentials) that pose a significant threat if accessed by the wrong user

99.99% of users find sensitive data in unknown or incorrect repositories or repositories with incorrect access controls. The same users exposed 30% more after deeper content-level analysis.

Age of Data

Data Outside of Retention

Configurable, granular, aged or stale data reports quickly identify the oldest data no longer serving business-critical purposes

Determine the average age of files within a data source

Identify data outside of retention requirements that could potentially contain risk based on file type or file name

Redundant Data Volume

Redundant Data Analysis

Identify redundant data within your data set that is taking up unnecessary storage and increasing your exposure surface if there is risk inside

Break down redundancy by data type, by age, and potential risk

Report output can be customized based on your company retention policies or specific ways you want to look at your data.

Take the first step!

If your unstructured data looked like this, wouldn’t you want to know?

A summary of what Instant Insights has uncovered at other organizations

35% data at risk

35% of Data Contains Previously Unknown Risk

20% duplicate data

20% of Data is Redundant and Outside Retention

50% stale data

50% of Data is Stale

How Instant Insights Align Key Business Units


By serving up your data in a consumable fashion, Instant Insights highlights potential risk within unstructured data – tying the risk component to large-scale IT action. Once exposed risk is identified, other business units are compelled to take action towards remediation.


Bridge the gap between IT and the business by empowering IT to leverage data insights to accelerate business outcomes. IT is able to make decisions for financial and operational improvements (like tiering storage or deleting aged or duplicate data) while also supporting overall business outcomes like reducing risk or moving to the cloud.


Alignment with IT ensures legal/compliance requirements are maintained while IT takes action towards storage optimization and the overall business goals. If data needs to be kept outside of retention policies for legal hold, IT can make decisions to move to less expensive storage.

Graphic outlining The Congruity360 End-to-End Approach

The Congruity360 Proven Approach

Regardless of where you are in your data journey or the outcome you are pursuing, whether that be a migration, new purchase of hardware or back-up software, a DLP implementation, or a full governance initiative – our discovery-led approach to understanding your unstructured data estate is critical.

Leverage the Classify360 platform’s autodiscover capabilities to quickly identify file and folders at the source for analysis & classification.

Leverage the Classify360 platform’s reporting to analyze file and folder-level properties to classify:

  • Stale files
  • Obsolete files
  • Trivial files
  • Redundant files
  • Risk indicators

Classify enterprise data according to shared business qualities or characteristics via content-level machine learning, uncovering data strengths and exposing data weaknesses through simple classification workflows, including:

  • Document-level training
  • Compliance risk
  • Industry risk
  • Corporate risk
  • Sensitive personally identifiable information (SPII)
  • Duplicate analysis

Reinvent data management with the CDM Hub, which gives data owners throughout the business the ability to make decisions about the data they own. Leverage built-in workflows that support business drivers like privacy regulations, industry guidelines, and common retention policy timelines.

Remediate classified data to ensure it’s properly protected, optimally stored, and most effectively serving the business by executing the following defensible actions:

  • Delete
  • Inject
  • Tag
  • Encrypt
  • Archive
  • Preserve
  • Migrate

Your business requirements drive the automation schedule for processing, analyzing, and actioning cycles. Consider this your “easy button” for defensible policy automation.

Get Started with a 29-minute Call!

Minimal resources needed to set up, no impact to systems, receive an actionable report in days

Ready for actionable insight into the DNA of your data?